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Join Our Team and Make a Difference in People's Lives

Our Mission

At Hills of Mercy Counseling, we believe being a therapist can be tough enough. Your workplace should add joy and fulfillment to your life, not add additional stress! Come join us for a fantastic environment where staff handles everything for you and you do what you do best... help others!


Part Time Telehealth Therapist


Our telehealth therapy position offers the opportunity to work from home and provide therapy services to our community. This position is perfect for those looking for a flexible schedule while still making a difference in people's lives. The hourly rate for insurance clients is $85, and $90 to $100 for cash clients. The position requires seeing a minimum of 15 clients a week, and our admin will schedule about 17 or 18 to account for potential cancelations. There is also an option to add additional hours as well, however, this is not a requirement. We are always looking for talented individuals to join our growing team and provide exceptional care to our clients.



  As part of our team, you'll receive benefits such as insurance paneling, paid CEUs, and continual opportunities for growth and development. Our administrative assistant will take care of all client marketing, insurance on-boarding, and scheduling!


Hills of Mercy Counseling is expanding rapidly and would love to have you as a part of our team!  Please visit our website for more information about Hills of Mercy Counseling in beautiful Old Town Temecula.Please send resumes to

Friendly administrative assistant taking care of burdensome tasks

Paid CEU's, insurance onboarding & marketing included

Supportive & collaborative work environment

W-2 position competitive $90 hourly rate with room for more hours

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